NH Perinatal Substance Exposure Collaborative

Formerly the New Hampshire Governor’s Commission on Alcohol and Other Drugs Perinatal Substance Exposure Task Force, this group meets quarterly to provide space for collaboration and resource sharing, and to identify and support activities aiming to serve the needs of those impacted by perinatal substance exposure in New Hampshire.
New Hampshire Perinatal Substance Exposure Collaborative

Meetings are attended by a multidisciplinary group including perinatal and substance use disorder professionals, state agency representatives, public health professionals, Managed Care Organization representatives, and other key partners.

Technical assistance is provided by JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc., with financial support from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.

Quarterly Meeting Schedule


Please contact the Center for Excellence on Addiction for meeting information. All meetings are hosted virtually via Zoom.

Missed a meeting? You can catch up on our previous quarterly meetings and watch the recordings and review meeting materials.

New Hampshire’s Family Care Plan

A Family Care Plan is a critical tool for all pregnant/parenting people and their infants. Developed collaboratively with the pregnant/parenting person, a Family Care Plan coordinates existing supports and referrals to new services. Ideally, a plan should be created prenatally, and is required to be completed after the birth of the baby.

Per federal and state requirements 1, a Family Care Plan must be developed for all infants affected by prenatal drug or fetal alcohol exposure. “Plan of Safe Care” is the legal term however best practice suggests using “Family Care Plan” or a “Plan of Supportive Care” which is less stigmatizing to families. Learn more about the New Hampshire Family Care Plan.

[1] 2016 Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act, amending the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act NH RSA 132 – 10-e and 10-f.



Factsheet About Perinatal Substance Exposure

Perinatal SBIRT Playbook

Resource Guide for Consumers – How to Access Mental Health & SUD Benefits

Care Coordination Brief

National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare

Doula & Perinatal Community Health Worker in Medicaid Learning Series – Institute for Medicaid Intervention

<!–POSC Information

POSC Implementation

Other Resources

Questions about Plans of Safe Care? Please submit a request for technical assistance.


[1] 2016 Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act, amending the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act NH RSA 132 – 10-e and 10-f.