Budget Task Force

The purpose of the Budget Task Force is to provide support to the NH Governor’s Commission through the completion of the following duties:

  1. Reporting on alcohol and other drugs (AOD) related to State spending
  2. Recommending strategic investments to full Commission, including:
      • Maintaining an ongoing list of funding priorities should additional resources become available
      • Ensuring funding is available to meet emerging/urgent needs and new priorities
  3. Quantifying and explaining the anticipated federal funding cliff and/or other important event horizons

Task Force Co-Chair Traci Fowler

Task Force Co-Chair Matt Mckenney


The NH Governor’s Commission on Alcohol and Other Drugs invites you to attend task force meetings. Please click on the meeting in the calendar to register and receive further information.

The Budget Task Force meets from 9:30-11:30am on the last Friday of odd months. Minutes from meetings are posted after review and a vote to approve.

Missed a meeting? You can catch up on our previous meetings and review meeting materials.

Additional task force members may be appointed periodically. To be considered, please submit your interest form.

Questions? Please contact the NH Center for Excellence on Addiction.