NH Perinatal Substance Exposure Collaborative Meeting

Virtual NH, United States

Review materials from the meeting: Collaborative Meeting Notes - December 8, 2022 | Recording New Hampshire Substance Exposure Data Presentation State Plans of Safe Care Research Update Presentation https://nhcenterforexcellence.org/wp-content/uploads/mp4/nh-psec-meeting-20221208.mp4 Meetings for the NH Perinatal Substance Exposure Collaborative are virtual and open to the public.

NH Perinatal Substance Exposure Collaborative Meeting

Virtual NH, United States

Review materials from the meeting: Collaborative Meeting Notes - March 22, 2023 | Recording Perinatal Doula CRSW Overview Presentation UNH HLP Medicaid Unwind Presentation State Legislative Update Meetings for the NH Perinatal Substance Exposure Collaborative Meeting are virtual and open to the public. Please contact nhcenterforexcellence@jsi.com for meeting information.

NH Perinatal Substance Exposure Collaborative

Virtual NH, United States

Review materials from the meeting: Collaborative Meeting Notes - June 21, 2023 | Recording (Password: q1d!*n4u) NH Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems CQI Project Does Your Practice Struggle to Help Patients Find and Connect to Services Flyer NH Community: We Need Your Help Invitation Improving Child Protection Reporting in New Hampshire Handout Myths, Facts and In ... read more

NH Perinatal Substance Exposure Collaborative Meeting

Virtual NH, United States

Review materials from the meeting: Collaborative Meeting Notes September 20, 2023 | Recording  Community Navigator Presentation NH CRG Handout  Meetings for the NH Perinatal Substance Exposure Collaborative Meeting are virtual and open to the public. Please contact nhcenterforexcellence@jsi.com for meeting information.

NH Perinatal Substance Exposure Collaborative Meeting

Virtual NH, United States

Review materials from the meeting: Collaborative Meeting Notes January 17, 2024 | Recording Passcode:=6782y7h Family Care Planner Project Overview Perinatal Substance Exposure Collaborative Updates  Perinatal Substance Exposure Data Update  Meetings for the NH Perinatal Substance Exposure Collaborative Meeting are virtual and open to the public. Please contact nhcenterforexcellence@jsi.com for meeting information.

NH Perinatal Substance Exposure Collaborative Meeting

Virtual NH, United States

Review materials from the meeting: Collaborative Meeting Notes July 31, 2024 |Recording Passcode:=5#+ep^sG Early Childhood Wraparound Presentation, Connected Families NH Home Visiting in New Hampshire Presentation Meetings for the NH Perinatal Substance Exposure Collaborative Meeting are virtual and open to the public. Please contact nhcenterforexcellence@jsi.com for meeting information.

Note: The events contained in this calendar are subject to change without notice by their respective organizers. Refer to each event's website for updates.