If you or someone you know takes pain medication or opioids (with or without a prescription),...
Strategies to Prevent an Accidental Overdose
Accidental overdose can happen to anyone taking an opioid, but it doesn’t have to be fatal. This...
Cannabis Use While Pregnant and Breastfeeding
Whether you use therapeutic or recreational cannabis, there are few things you should know about...
Cannabis Use and Young People: What Parents and Caregivers Can Do
As a parent or caregiver, your opinion shapes your child’s attitude and beliefs about cannabis...
Spotlight Factsheet: General Facts About Cannabis Use
Cannabis is the most commonly used addictive drug, after tobacco and alcohol, and one of the most...
Reset the School Year: Finding support for you and your child with the student assistance program
In this podcast episode, The Partnership @drugfreeNH sits down with guest Kim Haley, Student...
Supporting NH’s Young Adults: Where Can Communities Put Their Energy?
In this podcast episode, Julie Nicknair-Keon and Ashley Desrochers tell us how New Hampshire's...
Changing the Paradigm on Pain: Chronic Pain Self-Management
This podcast episode covers a topic that many people grapple with and manage everyday – chronic...
Family Connectedness Helps Manage Worry and Anxiety
Are we getting it all wrong? Lynn Lyons suggests a new approach when it comes to dealing with...
Helping Families and Caregivers Thrive
Our guests connect the dots of how adverse exposures or events in childhood influence child...
Preventive Interventions Delivered in Childhood May Reduce Substance Use Over Two Generations
This publication discusses preventive interventions and how such interventions have demonstrated...
NH Governor’s Commission Action Plan (2019-2021)
This plan highlighted the key priorities of the Governor's Commission on Alcohol and Other Drugs...