The Tobacco Cessation Change Package (TCCP) is a quality improvement tool created by the Centers...
ASAM Tobacco Use Disorder Guide
This is a guide for addiction treatment clinicians and programs that provide recommendations for...
Making Addiction Treatment More Realistic And Pragmatic
"This is a short article authored by Dr. Volkow that describes how we can make addiction treatment...
Research priorities for expanding access to methadone treatment for opioid use disorder in the United States: A National Institute on Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network Task Force report
This report details the research priorities for expanding access to methadone treatment for opioid...
How Does Online e-cigarette Advertisement Promote Youth’s e-cigarettes Use? The Mediating Roles of Social Norm and Risk Perceptions
This journal article describes how online e-cigarette advertisements promote youth's e-cigarettes...
Recidivism and mortality after in-jail buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder
This journal article highlights promising findings related to in-jail buprenorphine treatment for...
Behavioral Health Implementation Guide for the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care
The Behavioral Health Guide is a companion document to the Blueprint for Advancing and Sustaining...
Listening Session Regarding Involuntary Civil Commitment for Alcohol and Other Drugs | June 24, 2020
This is the Listening Session Regarding Involuntary Civil Commitment for Alcohol and Other Drugs |...
8/11/20 Listening Session on Involuntary Civil Commitment
The password to access the Zoom recording is: ?!?@1tS7
Joint Military 2020 Fact Sheet
A fact sheet on the Joint Military Task Force of the Governor's Commission on Alcohol and Other...
Preventing Marijuana Use Among Youth
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) developed a new...
Telehealth for Opioid Use Disorder Toolkit: Guidance to Support High-Quality Care
This Toolkit aims to help clinicians and policymakers as they navigate the current changing...