In this 3-hour workshop series, participants will expand their awareness of trauma-informed care...
parental substance use
Estimating naloxone need in the USA across fentanyl, heroin, and prescription opioid epidemics: a modelling study
This publication looks at naloxone distribution and how much naloxone a community would need to...
Restorative Justice In Schools: An Upstream Approach For Addressing Inequities In The Risk Of Incarceration
This report discusses school restorative justice practices as a potential protective factor and an...
Ready to Respond: Mental Health Beyond Crisis and COVID-19
This compendium provides ten authoritative papers on critical topics of our time related to crisis...
Substance Use Related Data for the 12-18 Year-Old Population: Building an Epidemiological Profile for Data-Informed Decision Making
This report aims to create a better understanding of the substance use related data available for...
Mental Health Surveillance Among Children — United States, 2013–2019
Descriptions of mental disorders and mental health indicators are included in this report, as well...
Tobacco Cessation Change Package
The Tobacco Cessation Change Package (TCCP) is a quality improvement tool created by the Centers...
ASAM Tobacco Use Disorder Guide
This is a guide for addiction treatment clinicians and programs that provide recommendations for...
Making Addiction Treatment More Realistic And Pragmatic
"This is a short article authored by Dr. Volkow that describes how we can make addiction treatment...
Research priorities for expanding access to methadone treatment for opioid use disorder in the United States: A National Institute on Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network Task Force report
This report details the research priorities for expanding access to methadone treatment for opioid...
How Does Online e-cigarette Advertisement Promote Youth’s e-cigarettes Use? The Mediating Roles of Social Norm and Risk Perceptions
This journal article describes how online e-cigarette advertisements promote youth's e-cigarettes...
Recidivism and mortality after in-jail buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder
This journal article highlights promising findings related to in-jail buprenorphine treatment for...