VIRTUAL: Youth Mental Health First Aid Training Course

Virtual NH, United States

This is an evidence-based training that teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in youth. This training gives adults who work with youth the skills they need to reach out and provide initial support to children and adolescents (ages 6-18) who may be developing a mental health ... read more

Power of Prevention Workshop Series: A Plan that Fits – Developing a Communication Plan from the Ground Up that Meets Your Organization’s Needs

Virtual NH, United States

Learn how to draft different types of communication plans with different core objectives for your organization. This workshop will show you how to apply a framework to create and execute various plans by viewing the plan as a program component of the larger organization. We will cover a variety of planning outlines and models, including ... read more


Listening Session to Understand Alcohol and Other Drugs Services in NH

Virtual NH, United States

The JSI Center for Excellence on Addiction invites you to participate in a public listening session via Zoom on Wednesday, January 12th, from 6-8 pm and share your ideas on how to strengthen and support alcohol and drug related services in New Hampshire. The information you share will inform the Governor’s Commission three-year Action Plan. ... read more

Power of Prevention Workshop Series: How to Create and Roll Out a Strategic Partner Toolkit for Your Opioid Messages

Virtual NH, United States

Partner Toolkits are an excellent way to engage the many organizations, leaders, advocates and individuals who want to extend and amplify the core campaigns or communication plans your organization has developed. Toolkits can be simple or complex and can be constructed for boots-on-the-ground and digital savvy users. This workshop will go through a Toolkit that ... read more


Power of Prevention Workshop Series: Using Mobile Technology for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary High School & College Violence Prevention Efforts

Virtual NH, United States

In this workshop, we describe the development and pilot of two prevention and response apps developed by UNH Prevention Innovations Research Center researchers and practitioners. We detail how mobile technology can be leveraged for high school and college primary, secondary, and tertiary violence prevention efforts. Continuing education credits will be offered.


Addiction & Recovery 101

Virtual NH, United States

In this six-hour training, participants will learn a basic understanding of addiction as a Chronic Disease; identifying behaviors of addiction and behavior change; and relapse and foundational recovery concepts.

Power of Prevention Workshop Series: Children Deserve Recovery Tool

Virtual NH, United States

The Children’s Resiliency Retreat is a selective prevention program for children impacted by a loved ones’ substance use disorder. This experiential program is intended to mitigate the adverse effects of growing up in a household affected by this disease by giving children the tools and opportunities to develop social emotional competence, sense of purpose, belonging ... read more


Annual Winter Symposium on Addictive Disorders, Behavioral Health & Mental Health

Double Tree by Hilton, Colorado Springs

The Advanced International Winter Symposium has provided addiction specialists, counselors, and behavioral health professionals with world-class education and training for 45 years. This symposium creates unprecedented opportunities to share knowledge, perspectives, and cutting-edge research.

Power of Prevention Workshop Series: Implementing SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment) for Youth

Virtual NH, United States

Building on experience implementing SBIRT in the primary care and pediatrics settings for both adults and youth, the presenters will share how they are applying those valuable lessons learned to a pilot SBIRT project in a NH school setting.  This workshop is for those interested in understanding the benefits of screening youth on their use ... read more


Note: The events contained in this calendar are subject to change without notice by their respective organizers. Refer to each event's website for updates.