Governor’s Commission on Alcohol and Other Drugs

Virtual NH, United States

The mission of the Governor’s Commission on Alcohol and other Drugs (the Commission) is to significantly reduce alcohol and other drug problems and their behavioral, health and social consequences for the citizens of New Hampshire by advising the Governor and Legislature regarding the delivery of effective and coordinated substance misuse prevention, treatment, and recovery services throughout the state. The members ... read more

Power of Prevention Workshop Series: Frameworks Institute

Virtual NH, United States

The workshop will highlight the key- and cap-note workshops from the conference by FrameWorks Institute.  Continuing education credits will be offered. Should you have any questions, please contact Angela Balamuth via email or by phone at (603) 290-5307.


Opioid Task Force – CANCELLED

Meets second Thursday of every month from 9:00 am to 10:30 am. See meeting schedule for dates. The Opioid Task Force, formerly the Prescription Drug Task Force, was first convened in 2012 and consists of stakeholders representing business, education, government, health care, emergency services, law enforcement, and community supports. This task force focuses on high priority concerns relative ... read more

Recovery Task Force – CANCELLED

Virtual NH, United States

Meets on second Friday of month from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. See meeting schedule for dates. The mission of the Recovery Task Force is to support services and systems related to the advancement of recovery support services in NH. The Recovery Task Force includes many active leaders, members and advocates involved in NH’s recovery movement. ... read more

Creating Health Equity by Building Community Power

Virtual NH, United States

Massachusetts Public Health Association’s virtual Annual Conference & Meeting: Creating Health Equity by Building Community Power will cover the new social determinants of public health framework recently developed by the Praxis Project, and their focus on community power building as a strategy for achieving health equity.


Perinatal Substance Exposure Task Force – CANCELLED

Meets third Wednesday of every other month from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm. See meeting schedule for dates. The mission of the Perinatal Substance Exposure Task Force is to identify, clarify, and inform the Governor’s Commission about issues related to perinatal substance exposure: including ways to lessen barriers pregnant women face when seeking quality healthcare; aligning state ... read more

Harm Reduction Series: Injection Drug Use Part 1: Communicable Infections

Virtual NH, United States

The Grayken Center on Addiction at Boston Medical Center is offering a monthly webinar series of harm reduction topics. This training will review strategies to reduce communicable infectious diseases associated with injection drug use. Testing strategies and linkage to care for those patients with diagnosed blood-borne pathogens.


Treatment Task Force – CANCELLED

Meets the third Friday of every other month from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. See meeting schedule for dates. The Treatment Task Force’s mission is to make recommendations to the Governor’s Commission regarding policies, practices, and unmet needs to ensure accessible, high quality services for NH residents experiencing substance use disorders. The Treatment Task Force’s vision is ... read more

NH Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselors Association’s Annual Meeting

It is free to attend the Business Meeting which is available both virtually and in-person. A complimentary brunch is included with educational component for in-person attendees. For more information contact: 603-225-7060 or Costs vary depending on membership and how you choose to participate.

Prevention Task Force – CANCELLED

Meets first Friday of every other month from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. See meeting schedule for dates. The mission of the Prevention Task Force is to utilize data to identify trends related to substance misuse; increase knowledge to better understand the impact of emerging trends; identify and take action to address the gaps in the current ... read more

Note: The events contained in this calendar are subject to change without notice by their respective organizers. Refer to each event's website for updates.