Today is For Me
Today Is For Me is a health campaign designed specifically for women seeking information on staying healthy before, during, and after pregnancy. By sharing science-based information about alcohol and marijuana use, this campaign provides information on how these substances affect your body, mind, and health and the potential impact on your baby. Using alcohol or marijuana use is okay at certain times in your life, but not when you find yourself pregnant.
Because the use of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana is so widespread, many people do not realize it is harmful during pregnancy. Other pregnant people find themselves in a situation of unintentionally using these substances while pregnant—before they even know they are expecting. They may continue to use while pregnant because they struggle to quit or cut back during this fragile time. They did not plan to get pregnant and they are not ready to stop. Keep in mind—it’s never too late to quit or cut back. Reducing any amount helps. By increasing access to evidence-based resources to treat harmful substances like alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis, we can reduce problems associated with early learning, social-emotional development, physical and mental health challenges, and other health disparities.
Governor's Commission on Alcohol and Other Drugs, Prevention, Screening, Substances,