SUD in Older Adults – An Overlooked, but Important Population

Virtual NH, United States

This session will unmask the reality of SUDs in older adults, review health and social circumstances that facilitate SUD development as people age, and explain why the use of alcohol and other drugs is particularly dangerous in this population.

Mental Health First Aid Training

City Hall Auditorium (3rd Floor) 229 Main Street, Nashua, NH, United States

Nashua Division of Public Health & Community Services Behavioral Health Team will be hosting a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course at Nashua City Hall. MHFA teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among adults. You’ll build skills and confidence you need to reach out and provide ... read more


Facebook Friday – National Mentoring Month

The Partnership hosts a series of Facebook Live Fridays focused on prevention topics. For those unable to join the live sessions, all recordings are posted on the Partnership website. The January 13th session will focus on National Mentoring Month. Please register to attend.

CRSWs Supervising CRSWs

Virtual NH, United States

This course is an entry-level supervision course that outlines concepts critical to the success of the peer worker and the peer role in the agency. This course is designed specifically for CRSWs who will be supervising other peers or CRSWs in NH.

$50.00 – $65.00

Prevention Ethics

130 Pembroke Road, Suite 150, Concord, NH 03301

This training is appropriate for anyone working in the field of substance misuse prevention. Participants will explore case examples on topics ranging from confidentiality and integrity to ethical obligations and non-discrimination. Participants will engage in small- and large-group discussions of key concepts. At completion, participants will be able to: define ethics and related terms; describe the six principles ... read more

$50.00 – $65.00

SAMHSA’s 19th Prevention Day

Whether you are a prevention practitioner, community leader, researcher, scientist, consumer, or an advocate, this interactive forum has something for everyone. Please visit SAMHSA’s new Prevention Day webpage for the latest updates, workshop announcements, and guest speakers leading up to the event.

Note: The events contained in this calendar are subject to change without notice by their respective organizers. Refer to each event's website for updates.