Power of Prevention Workshop Series: Using Mobile Technology for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary High School & College Violence Prevention Efforts

Virtual NH, United States

In this workshop, we describe the development and pilot of two prevention and response apps developed by UNH Prevention Innovations Research Center researchers and practitioners. We detail how mobile technology can be leveraged for high school and college primary, secondary, and tertiary violence prevention efforts. Continuing education credits will be offered.


Addiction & Recovery 101

Virtual NH, United States

In this six-hour training, participants will learn a basic understanding of addiction as a Chronic Disease; identifying behaviors of addiction and behavior change; and relapse and foundational recovery concepts.

Power of Prevention Workshop Series: Children Deserve Recovery Tool

Virtual NH, United States

The Children’s Resiliency Retreat is a selective prevention program for children impacted by a loved ones’ substance use disorder. This experiential program is intended to mitigate the adverse effects of growing up in a household affected by this disease by giving children the tools and opportunities to develop social emotional competence, sense of purpose, belonging ... read more


Annual Winter Symposium on Addictive Disorders, Behavioral Health & Mental Health

Double Tree by Hilton, Colorado Springs

The Advanced International Winter Symposium has provided addiction specialists, counselors, and behavioral health professionals with world-class education and training for 45 years. This symposium creates unprecedented opportunities to share knowledge, perspectives, and cutting-edge research.

Power of Prevention Workshop Series: Implementing SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment) for Youth

Virtual NH, United States

Building on experience implementing SBIRT in the primary care and pediatrics settings for both adults and youth, the presenters will share how they are applying those valuable lessons learned to a pilot SBIRT project in a NH school setting.  This workshop is for those interested in understanding the benefits of screening youth on their use ... read more


Harm Reduction and Cannabis

This series is designed to provide caregivers and providers with information on best practices for caring for individuals who are actively using substances. The education series will teach ways to expand the treatment continuum to include engaging and keeping people safe when they are actively using substances including alcohol, opioids, stimulants, and tobacco. The series is designed ... read more

Conducting Assessments and Diagnosis of Addiction

Virtual NH, United States

This course will outline how to gather information and use assessment tools for an assessment to formulate substance use disorders, as well as identifying client strengths and needs for recovery.

Essentials of Treating Stimulant Use Disorder

Virtual NH, United States

This training is designed to be a guide for addiction providers interested in providing and caring for people who use stimulants including cocaine and methamphetamines. The training will review the basic science of addiction-related to stimulants, evidence-based treatment for people who use stimulants, and practical implementation of evidence-based treatment for patients who use stimulants in the office-based ... read more

Power of Prevention Workshop Series: Living Well with Chronic Pain – An Evidenced-Based Program for Adults in Your Community

Virtual NH, United States

UNH Extension has partnered with Southern NH Area Health Education Center to help build capacity to deliver what is known as the Chronic Pain Self-Management Program, a national evidence-based program to help adults live more fulfilling lives while managing chronic pain. Learn about the components of the Chronic Pain Self-Management Program, who can benefit, and ... read more


Reducing Alcohol Harm

Virtual NH, United States

This training will review the burden of disease and impact of alcohol in the US. It will discuss quit strategies and clinical approaches to reduction in alcohol use. It will also address strategies to reduce harm associated with binge consumption of alcohol. The impact of alcohol on other SUD treatment will be discussed and the use of ... read more

Note: The events contained in this calendar are subject to change without notice by their respective organizers. Refer to each event's website for updates.