Stimulants have become increasingly prevalent in overdoses and addiction throughout our communities. Counterfeit prescription pills are being laced with illicit drugs in alarming amounts. We can’t afford to lose more ground, for more lives to be lost. Now in its fifth year, the Cocaine, Meth & Stimulant Summit is the only educational event focused on finding ... read more
This training will be remote only. Research evidence will be presented to demonstrate the populations and settings where CM has been used. There are some critically important considerations in successfully implementing CM. These include rigorous protocols, fraud prevention “guardrails” and fully developed training and implementation plans to ensure fidelity to CM procedures.
Research confirms that ongoing training is critical to the success of treatment courts. Operational tune-up training challenges seasoned court teams to self-assess and provides assistance in taking corrective steps to improve policy, practice, and outcomes. Operational tune-up training is designed for adult drug treatment courts and veterans treatment courts with at least two years’ operating ... read more
The NH Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselors Association will meet for their annual membership and business meeting. All interested persons are welcome to attend. Association business will include updates and exciting changes within NHADACA, introductions to new staff, professional and community recognition awards, and board of director election results. Following the business meeting, there will ... read more
REGISTER NOW! This introductory webinar orients participants to the factors beyond funding that impact a program’s capacity for sustainability. The Program Sustainability framework identifies eight theory and evidence-based domains, critical to public health programs’ long-term capacity for sustainability, namely: Environmental Support, Funding Stability, Partnerships, Organizational Capacity, Program Evaluation, Program Adaptation, Communications, and Strategic Planning. Participants ... read more
This 6-hour training will provide an overview of how opioid use changes the brain and effects behavior, as well as brain injury resulting from opioid poisoning.
Since 2017, The NH Community Behavioral Health Association (CBHA), The NH Alcohol and Other Drug Service Providers Association (NHPA) and the NH Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors Association (NHADACA) partnered to host the New Hampshire Behavioral Health Summit, focused on setting the public policy stage for key legislative and agency initiatives, integration, and building capacity ... read more
This training will decipher the New Hampshire Coalition for Recovery Residences (NHCORR) website, assist participants in classifying clients and discerning the best fit recovery residences for a particular person, and make use of real life examples in which these resources are and have been used.
This is a (6) hour Training specific to Substance Abuse for addiction professionals and other service providers interested in increasing their understanding of the link between stimulant and opioid abuse, human trafficking, & sex trafficking. Participants will be provided information regarding sex trafficking dynamics. Participants will also be equipped with tools to assist clients in ... read more
Review materials from the meeting: Collaborative Meeting Notes - December 8, 2022 | Recording New Hampshire Substance Exposure Data Presentation State Plans of Safe Care Research Update Presentation Meetings for the NH Perinatal Substance Exposure Collaborative are virtual and open to the public.
Note: The events contained in this calendar are subject to change without notice by their respective organizers. Refer to each event's website for updates.